Guitar Tuition – 3 Distinctions on RGT Exams

All students and parents are happy with this term’s guitar tuition results! Well done to Oscar (Grade 4 Electric guitar) Stan (Grade 4 Acoustic Guitar) and Ollie (Grade 1 Acoustic Guitar) for their success. I had 3 students in for the winter exams and all 3 passed WITH DISTINCTION which is a super effort. Special mention goes to Stan who now had a Distinction for Grade One, Two, Three, and Four.

Keep it going!!

OSCARI’ve still got a 100% pass rate with my students

so if you are looking for Grade style learning as a parent or in your own right, then you can be assured of quality and that I do not put them in for the exams before they are ready. No point in paying twice!

Thanks to the parents for leaping and making sure the necessary practice goes on. It always .helps and enhances the chances of success.

Guitar Tuition and teaching in Stroud, Bussage , Chalford

As well as learning for the exams using all the RGT resources form the Grade books, I have 100’s of quality resources for both chord songs and lead improvisation. I have 100’s of song walkthrough’s of a quality you cannot get for free on the internet that will allow you to play famous chordDSC02985s songs all the way through very easily and just like the originals.

I have take great care to replicate songs exactly and chosen a range of songs to cover all grades, decades and styles of music with a huge range of chord changes that you will find in songs that YOU want
to play.

In the end, Guitar tuition is all about YOU, making sure that you are able to play the styles and genres of music that you want to play. That is my aim and always my goal.

Feel free to get in touch via the contact button to get more information about how I can help you reach your musical objectives. It’s easier than you think. I am based in the Stroud, Bussage , Chalford area of Gloucestershire.